Saturday, 18 April 2015

...and everything in between.....

Easter this year has been a lovely time.....the weather here has been glorious.  Doesn't it make everything just right?!

We set out walking on a new route this week, an area that we haven't been to before, where there are the remains of an old slate/shale quarry It was established in  the 1840's, but has been out of commission for some years now.  The remains are spectacular, eerie and in some places quite sad.  Silent and empty.

I spotted this little archway above where we were walking on a  slate  bank, so we all clambered up. Well worth the effort as there was a sight to behold captured by a torch and a mobile phone camera.

 (photo care of hubby's phone camera and middle boy's eerie is that?)

There was a secret just around the corner

A perfect picnic spot

I love getting out in the  wilderness with the boys and dogs.....I find it puts your body right somehow, especially if you are otherwise cooped up a lot during  the week.  I can't put my finger on what happens, but being outdoors brings balance, I was feeling quite out of sorts and a bit despondent when we got back from our hollies, but getting out on a good long walk, put me back to rights!

Biggest boy turned twelve,  his birthday was guitar focused, guitar cake and a guitar to go with it.  I am so pleased to encourage my boys in music and creativity, I am so thankful for all my creative exploits, especially the music....even when the going is tough, losing yourself in music puts everything in perspective.


(this post has been lurking in my edit list for an age, landlines down and then very slow broadband, it is surprising how much we have all got used to having google at our does life continue without search engines I wonder?!  So it is far less than everything in between, there has been much food, more walking, some crafting, lots of learning...)


  1. Awesome pictures Faith.


  2. Beautiful pics Faith. That walk looked amazing but not sure I would have gone much further down that tunnel! I know what you mean about technology. We've just moved from 'the wilderness' (no landlines, no WiFi etc) back to a town and I'm amazed how quickly we've become used to all the 'mod cons'! Hope your lovely weather continues .... getting real chilly here now.. xxxx

  3. Happy Birthday to your boy Faith, he is so handsome. Love the trip you took us on, such a beautiful place.

  4. Happy birthday Oldest Boy! What a smashing cake.

    The quarry looks like a wonderful place to get away from it all. I know what you mean about being outdoors bringing balance. Something about the sky, the air, and seeing growing things.

    Have a great week, Faith. :)

  5. What a fun and interesting cake for your handsome boy. That totally looks like a neat place to explore. It's so interesting how the shale stacks upon itself like that. That lake would be perfect for a scene in The Mortal Instruments series.


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