This week has taken me rather by surprise, it being the half-term holidays and with no school runs to do, I made myself a big to-do list.
I'm quite big on lists, and being able to tick off even a few jobs gives me a great sense of satisfaction. At the beginning of the week, between other things I saw the tape measure and got oldest boy on measuring my granny stripe and my bed. Not so long ago, it was a good way off being finished, but this time when measured it was about three stripes off..........totally do-able!
So first things first I have a finished item on my Year of projects........drum rolls please...............
This is already in full use with three boys snuggled under it on any given opportunity!
So onto another project, I've been carrying on with the flower motifs for a shawl/scarf as a Christmas present.
After asking advice from you clever, fellow bloggers about joining these flowers I was given a great idea from Marie at Underground Crafter so when I think I have made enough I will plan my layout and begin to join.!
Staying with the flowers, I bought a ball of Rico Creative about a week ago and after looking at this link here
suggested by goodpurlgonebad (don't you just love the blogging community!) I decided that I would give it a whirl. I must admit, I haven't stuck to the pattern really as I liked the look of the flowers when I got to round three so rather than carrying on, I stopped there.
This yarn is absolutely beautiful and the colours (not shown well here!) are glorious. This will definitely do well from blocking I'm sure. I had in mind that this would make a shawl too, but hubby says he thinks it should be something less showey like a cushion.............hhhmmmmm, not sure. The person who I have in mind for it, likes cheerful......... so why not wear it........what d'ya think?
So all in all a good week on lots of lots of ticks on my list!!
Before I forget, I would like to point you all in the direction of Fee at Chipper Nelly who is giving away some of her gorgeous handmade wooden blocks........take a look

As others have said before me.......never entirely sure why you want to alert any one's attention to these things when it clearly makes your own chance of winning less........hhhhhmmmmmm.........
Anyway, it's all go in my house today as it is Hubby's birthday ('And you're sat here blogging?' I hear you ask incredulously). I have a roast in the oven, although after the amount of chocolate coconut cake we've all eaten I'm not sure there will be anyone much interested in supper! There are veg that need doing and batter for Yorkshire must go!
I'm looking forward to having a good nosey about later at all your blogs too........thanks as ever for all the lovely comments and ideas.........always appreciated!
To check out other Year of projects work - please look here.